Hi All
Just emailed Agnes and asked for it.
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Hi All
Just emailed Agnes and asked for it.
Hi Everyone,
Does someone have the final copy of the ethics application? I can only find the one where Agnes had put all of our ideas together.
Here is the article that Agnes found…
Shuhei Izawaa, Nagisa Sugayab, Namiko Ogawab, Yuichiro Naganoc, Masako Nakanob, Emiko Nakaseb, Kentaro Shirotsukib, Kosuke Chris Yamadad, Kazuhiko Machidae, Masahisa Kodamae and Shinobu Nomurae
Episodic stress associated with writing a graduation thesis and free cortisol secretion after awakening
International Journal of Psychophysiology
Volume 64, Issue 2, May 2007, Pages 141-145
I can make that time, can everyone else?
How about catching up Monday at 9.30am?
No not this week.
Have some of our group have neuroscience scheduled on Monday?
That sounds good. What time suits everyone?
Hey Jane, think we all need to catch-up to talk about method section soon. Agnes mentioned that she wanted to ensure that we all had consistent methods in out 3000 words.
Is there going to be a meeting this week?
Thanks Aziza I'm just looking at it now!
Hi everyone,
Dont know if anyone has looked at the Stress and Health journal, but just thought i would let everyone know that there are some good articles on there about cortisol and sIgA..
I think we decided to not have a meeting this week :)
:) thanks .. are we having a meeting this week?
hi Aziza,
Agnes said we could hand it in on Wed at Psych reception.
Hey everyone,
i think i have my dates all mixed up.. Is out 500 word draft due tomorrow?
I got mine to work too!!! :)
Hey Team
Here is the link to the Ethics Proposal, place any ideas about the Ethics Proposal here.